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Jonathan Stone
Facedances non-stop

Thu 21.02. - Sun 24.02.2008
Künstlerhaus Hannover

„Hannover Facedances“ / „Utrecht Facedances“
„Woking Facedances“ (video project)

Cinema at the Künstlerhaus
Thu 21.02. - Sun 24.02.2008
In order to provide a forum for video dance as well as the live experience, the German Dance Platform 2008, in association with Deutsches Tanzfilminstitut Bremen, is glad to present the award-winning and short-listed productions from this year’s “dance screen” dance film competition plus recent works by graduates of the film and TV academy “Konrad Wolf” Hochschule für Film und Fernsehen (HFF) in Potsdam-Babelsberg. Video dance, a genre-crossing art form, is alive and well in the minds of young film-makers as well as on the programming schedules of international television companies. Despite the burgeoning media installations in dance art, it maintains its status as an independent genre. When one considers the broad spectrum of video dance, ranging from award-winning productions for cinema and TV to student graduation films, it quickly becomes clear that video dance has become an essential element in the consideration of the media dance and film.
Standard EURO 4,00 € per Tanzfilm-Programm
Further information, and
The dance film programme is presented by Deutsches Tanzfilminstitut Bremen in association with “dance screen” (an initiative of the IMZ International Music + Media Centre Vienna) and HFF “Konrad Wolf“ in Potsdam-Babelsberg.
The cameras will also be rolling at the German Dance Platform 2008: apprentices of the PROCON company, studying “Media Design for Camera and Sound“, will be putting together a short arts magazine programme focussing on dance, which will be made available to a TV company for later transmission.